Ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources for all in the future through adequate monitoring, problem identification and incorporating solutions into public policies.
Cristina Branquinho, CE3C
TL3 addresses challenges for diagnosing, monitoring and proposing solutions to deal with the effects of global change on the availability and quality of key natural resources (e.g.: soil, water, air and genetic resources) for ecosystems’ structure and function, people’s health or food production.
Key relevant areas covered within TL3 include the promotion of diversified water sourcing and water recovery systems, increase of sustainability and efficiency of water management, development of mechanisms to address water scarcity, protection and restoration of water-related ecosystems and improvement of sustainability of water services, evaluation of air pollution effects on ecosystems and human health and mitigation of soil degradation and loss of productivity under a climate change.
Relevant policies to be tackled within TL3 include, for example, the Portuguese National Water Plan 2016-2026, the National Plan for Air Quality 2020, the River Basin Management Plans, the EU directive on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants (NECD, 2016/2284/EU) and the National Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 (PAC). TL3 research and activities will also support and serve as the basis for concrete policies addressing Soil Conservation, Recovery and Management.
Research activities supporting the above-referred policies covered within TL3 include, for example, the development of innovative technologies enabling wastewater treatment and reuse (for example, for irrigation purposes) and the development of sustainable products for water treatment; assessment and further development of technologies for nutrient and valuable compounds recovery from wastewaters. Other activities might include the removal of emergent compounds and particles from wastewater and developing testing methods capable of monitoring given substances and thus enabling risk assessment of “treated” wastewater discharge to surface waters.
TL3 shall contribute to design strategies to protect soil biodiversity, health, and productivity by conducting research on soil health in the context of agriculture, including nutrient use efficiency and improvements in sustained crop and pasture production.
Research and knowledge-driven within TL3 shall serve as the basis to advise Local and national authorities such as the Portuguese Environment Agency APA, the Regional River-Basin Authorities ARHs, and other relevant stakeholders to apply relevant measures ensuring proper policies and policy instruments to promote and ensure sustainable management of water, air and soil.
Associate Laboratory CHANGE
To identify scientifically supported public policy and governance solutions targeting an environmentally friendly, resource-efficient, and competitive economy in the context of ongoing global changes.
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